Quickstarting with artichoke

Creating an artichoke application

Artichoke applications can be created from the artichoke.application.Application by passing a root artichoke.controller.Controller and a path where to find the templates exposed by the controller methods.

You can serve your application both using mod_wsgi or by using the internal artichoke wsgi server. The internal server will also reload application if any file of the application itself is changed, this comes at a high performance cost so it is only intended for development and not for production deploy.

import artichoke
from artichoke.server import serve

app = artichoke.Application(root=RootController, templates_path='views')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Creating a controller for your application

Each artichoke application requires a root controller which will serve requests sent to the application itself. The root controller can have any number of sub controllers as instance variables to serve nested urls.

import artichoke
from artichoke import expose
from artichoke.server import serve

class RootController(artichoke.Controller):
    def index(self, args, params):
        return 'Hi from my first artichoke application'

    def hello(self, args, params):
        return '<html><head></head><body>Hello World</body></html>'

serve(artichoke.Application(root=RootController, templates_path='views'))

Each method exposed with the @expose decorator will be served as an url inside the root of the application. In this case /hello will be served by the hello method which doesn’t expose any template and so it returns the html to be served as a string with the default content type (which is text/html).

An exception to this rule are the index and not_found methods. The first will be served with the last part of the url is the controller itself (for example the index of your root controller will serve the / url). While the not_found one is called when no method or subcontroller has been found to serve the requested url. This method by default returns a 404 with a standard html but can be overridden by the user.

Apart from exposed methods the controllers will inherit some utility methods. Those include:

  • render(self, template, params) which will render the given template file (requires extension) from the template_path

Serving Templates

Being able to serve content isn’t really useful if you can serve only strings. For this reason the expose decorator supports declaring both a content_type and a template. The first will be useful when you need to serve JSON or files and the latter will be used frequently to serve web pages.

Controller Example

When exposing a template your method should return a dict. Each entry inside the dict will be exposed as a variable inside the template

import artichoke
from artichoke import request, response, expose, redirect, url, flash
from artichoke.server import serve

class RootController(artichoke.Controller):
    def index(self, args, params):
        who = params.get('who', 'World')
        return dict(who=who)

serve(artichoke.Application(root=RootController, templates_path='views'))

View Example

Save the following code as index.choke inside the views directory (the one passed to the Application as templates_path argument) and it will be served when calling the /index url as the @expose decorator declared that the index method should serve the index template.

        <title>Hello ${who}</title>

        Welcome ${who}

Serving Nested Urls

Is it possible to create controllers inside controllers, this will permit to serve nested urls. To perform this just allocate more controllers inside the __init__ of the root controller. Each controller will serve the url equal to the name of the variable it has been assigned to.

In the following example we the /sub/hello url will be served by the hello method of the SubController class as it has been created inside the RootController.

import artichoke
from artichoke import request, response, expose, redirect, url, flash
from artichoke.server import serve

class SubController(artichoke.Controller):
    def hello(self, args, params):
        return 'Hello World'

class RootController(artichoke.Controller):
    def __init__(self, templates_path, helpers):
        super(RootController, self).__init__(templates_path, helpers)
        self.sub = SubController(os.path.join(templates_path, 'sub'), helpers)

    def index(self, args, params):
        who = params.get('who', 'World')
        return dict(who=who)

serve(artichoke.Application(root=RootController, templates_path='views'))

Utility Functions

Artichoke Exposes a set of functions to help you create your application:

  • redirect(where) which will redirect the user to another url

  • url(path, params=dict) which will generate an url with the given parameters

  • flash(‘message’, ‘class’) will inject inside the response object of the

    current call (or next call after a redirect) the flash_obj dictionary which will expose the msg and class keys specified inside the response.flash call.

    As both the request and response objects are available inside the template context you can display the flash message inside the template with something like:

${%if response.flash_obj:}
        <div class="${response.flash_obj['class']}">${response.flash_obj['msg']}</div>

The Request and Response objects

artichoke.request and artichoke.response objects are automatically created by artichoke itself for each request. For documentation about the request and response objects you can refer to the WebOb documentation.

The not_found method

not_found method of a controller will be called when each other url resolution method has failed to find a valid callable.

The default implementation of the method will set the response.status to 404, response.headers[‘Content-Type’] to text/html and will return a simple error message as an html page.

You can override this method to serve a different error page, implement different dispatching mechanisms or rest urls.